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Not enough? Well not to worry. Here are some more of the helpful information articles our staff have drawn together and published on our main 1to1Legal website:

ABS Lawyers Ltd: class="infoquote "if someone wants to fight for compensation, their help will be a good choice" "the topic was already closed and nothing could be won, but under their supervision somehow it moved forward" "So for me such support from the law firm was very im...

Stenfield Solicitors Ltd: This helps to distinguish between those law firms that claim ancient establishment dates of their brand, compared with those that have actual real experience behind their staff. In this instance Stenfield have solicitors on board that started their careers off in...

Aconveyancing Ltd: However we have seen several property firms with much more available opening hours than Aconveyancing, extending into evenings and weekends. We also provide a fixed fee quotation, to help plan your finances from an early stage."< div> It's absolutely true that both of t...

Antony Hodari Legal Services: We always recommend taking a quick look at the local law society page for any firm you're thinking of using. The issue with related domains not being owned or incorrect searches really only affects law matters where the client has to pay the solicitor large sums ...

Assured Probate Services: If you've read a few of our other articles, you'll know there is usually something unique or alternative about the firms we choose to review. Hopefully we'll get an article about it out soon and we'll insert a link here to help. Whilst a quick glance of their website may ...

Allan Argue and Co Solicitors: The legal industry genuinely is one where the wheels of progress and modernisation turn a lot slower. There isn't even a stand alone page of information for most Scottish law firms on the Law Society site. (And I'm missing a couple of those.) It's just that unlike reviewing ...

Aspire Licensing & Administrative Services: Mostly due to having recieved an email that looked official telling them to change over and send the house deposit money to a totally different bank account. But that's what you'd expect from a firm that deals day in day out with a single area of law. However to be clear -...

Bilkus and Boyle: Vice versa, a firm quoting just a few years since opening could have several solicitors on board with dozens of years experience each. it almost makes them meaningless. You may also find that many of the lowest ratings often have nothing to do with the firm's ser...

BLZ Solicitors Ltd: So if they take a few shortcuts in the marketing department - that's perfectly fine. Here's a few of the things we noticed and hopefully some things you might be able to use as a bar to measure between others in the field. That's why we have general practice firms along side...

Catteralls in Wakefield: The most common errors of,, and to a lesser extent the dot coms as well are all owned by other companies too. Sometimes over something as simple as receiving some official-looking emails stating they should pay their huge hou...

DFA Law Solicitors: So do the independent review boards match up? class="infoquote "Professional, efficient and easy to deal with." "... There is a lot to find between-the-lines in the wording firms use on their website too. For example 7 staff members each with 3 years experience ca...

Deo Volente Legal: The idea being that people imagine a 200 year old amount of experience within a firm simply because their branding has existed for that long. The official website we link to above is and at the time of writing also redirects you th...

Dylan Nair Ltd Solicitors: Legal issues are very personal. A quick note on navigation. But again if not available on a firm's site, it is often listed in the law society database. On this occasion the fact this firm is offering considerable free time for non-litigation matters is the poin...

Mckie Legal Solicitors Ltd: For example: class="infoquote "or if you prefer simply an out of hours appointment simply fill in the contact form"< div> This snippet from the Mckie Legal contact page might be easily skipped over on first read, but law firms that offer to see you or even just sp...

Special Education Needs Lawyer: But why do we even need such lawyers? Surely there are organisations, laws, and procedures already in place to look after children in a country like ours? class="infoquote "In our experience, some Local Authorities appear to have a default policy of refusing assessment...

Fair Result Divorce: However no-one seemed willing ... In other words if you want a fight and to make each other suffer as much as possible on the way out of a marraige - they can't help you. So is Fair Result's claim just vague sales jargon? Well, no. In our opinion, the age of a legal bra...

Fieldfisher Solicitors LLP: It's pretty much a universal given at this point. class="infoquote "We are renowned for our expertise in handling mesothelioma and other asbestos related disease claims."< div> Luckily, some of the firm's offices are in England which puts them under The Law Societ...

Fultons Estate Agents: Being a Peterhead-based firm ourselves it's a tough thing to see even the basics such as Law Society databases being so much clearer and informative south of the border. However we've noticed some of them using more vague statements or even marketing jargon to obscure ...

Hawkridge & Co Solicitors: Ampersands can't be in domain names so certainly you can't go to something like www.hawkridge& but all the other variants we checked such as or were also owned by other firms. Very often a bunch of the negative reviews wil...

Hooper Hyde Solicitors: So don't take the fact a firm is a trading name of another company name as meaning anything at all. class="infoquote "worked tirelessly for me to win my case and I am extremely grateful" "really understands business risks" "has represented us in many cases in...

Howe and Co Solicitors: The firm did have testimonials on their website as well but at the time of us viewing they were stuffed into a tiny video-style playback box near the bottom of pages. There are hundreds of reports of people https: life-style property 1176297...

Ian Mallon Solicitors Ltd: class="infoquote "Everyone within our practice has a commitment to understand the needs of our clients and to structure our services to deal effectively with those needs."< div> Many law firms make statements about how wonderful their staff are and the huge amou...

Jacobs Law Solicitors: But https: about" Jacobs Law cover the important bits< a> only and even include direct contact information for every lawyer too. The obvious idea they try to stick in your head is that the longer a firm had been established, the more experience must...

Khan Law Glasgow: We received a negative review last year accusing us of 'feeding the corrupt capitalist machine'. However, please note that when checking reviews of any firm you absolutely must read the comments rather than relying on star ratings. We can

Levins Solicitors: The firm has a range of experienced staff qualified over the past four decades such as David Woods (qualified in 1984), Tracy Morgan (2003), and Jonathan Heath (2011). class="infoquote "For over 30 years now we have continued to build our reputation and to provi...

Lindsays Solicitors Scotland: By that we mean there are many websites out there set up to look as though they are a legitimate personal injury or conveyancing firm - when in reality they are a front for case resellers. However on Google we saw the firm only had a 3.9 star rating despite most of the revie...

Linkilaw Solicitors Ltd in London: They provide full pages on the firms and all the staff. Granted it's definitely taken alot more time than in other industries. So how does the modern Linkilaw stack up from that angle? class="infoquote "We have a varied skill set across a wide multitude of practice a...

Mason Bullock Solicitors: The most obvious mistake people might make because it's a law firm is to try searching for 'Mason & Bullock' instead. Typically we research a firm completely unbias and make the decision based on several factors such as their setup, case range, reviews, standing with the r...

McEwan Fraser Legal Scotland: They also have an online valuation tool. However, one of the properties showed a possible selling margin of £60,000 difference between a high and low estimate. Therefore firms that cover nationwide across the UK will have a huge amount of negative reviews about how they didn...

MGBe Legal Ltd: This is reflected on the firm's website where the blog section contains actual help articles. If someone is not quite experienced enough for your personal injury claim, you might be a few hundred pounds less-better-off in your compensation settlement. However whilst you may ...

NV Legal Solicitors: They're mostly https: money 2019 aug 24 the-45000-deposit-for-our-first-home-was-stolen-and-the-banks-did-nothing" aimed at property matters< a>. Last year we worked heavily with rehabilitation specialists trying to get more law firms to consult with s...

OTS Immigration Solicitors: class="infoquote "Our team of Solicitors are dedicated to providing the best service to clients by catering to each and every client individually and specifically.< div> This brings us back to consumer reviews. Either way, still be on your guard when typing in web...

Pacific Law: As we said, this is a new firm. This is an area of law where we do think a specialist firm can be of benefit, the same as with something like Motor Offences. Some are chargable, some aren't, some are really expensive. . It's the brand that's been around for centuries - not t...

Penerley Solicitors: There's therefore been quite a surge in the number and type of legal service provider popping up to meet the demand. class="infoquote "Our lawyers are experienced in advising and representing clients in varied areas of law, from small matters to complex legal iss...

Pump Court Chambers Barristers: class="infoquote "Cordelia was very friendly and put things into words that I could understand. Also at the moment the majority of scams are targeted at property law firms anyway because of the huge payoffs. The members of a Chambers share the rent and facilities, such...

RD Costings Ltd: This is a costs drafting firm aimed at lawyers themselves. When you see firms stating "no win, no fee" across their site, that doesn't necessarily mean there are no fees at all. These can include Sexual Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Domestic Abuse, Assaults, and even the d...

Reid and Black Solicitors: We stand by our statement that if you see a firm that really only seems to want people with whiplash injuries from a Road Accident (e.g. One last clip from the firm's own website showing a further service they offer that many firms no longer help with: class...

Suhail Ahmad at Richmond Legal: Our first impression of Richmond Legal was a curiousity regarding their chosen case range. The information provided user-side rivals anything we've seen from other Law Societies across the UK. Whilst it's something we see alot of with Criminal Law firms, it's less noticeable...

Robin Somerville Barrister: However, we couldn't get it to work. However there are many situations where going direct to a barrister yourself will definitely save you considerable time and cost . None of the inputs are marked as to whether they are *required information or not. For any law of...

Conveyancing Search Providers: There are some testimonials printed on the firm's website of course: class="infoquote "Very prompt and efficient service especially when we had been let down elsewhere" "extremely fast and personable" "Excellent service at a much more competitive price than...

Springle Solicitors: The bees knees. People are less likely to jump online and write a review about their divorce, will, or criminal offence compared to praising the pizza they just got delivered. class="infoquote "The law is complex but we explain everything in plain English."< div> ...

SR Law Solicitors London: The Law Society of England & Wales has a very helpful website , much more so than it's counterparts in other areas of the UK from what we've seen. This idea that the firm isn't consumed by fees and time-monitoring is also reflected in their website where you'll find ...

The Injury Solicitor Salford: But such ancient founding claims are really just marketing ploys. The Injury Solicitor is a genuine law firm with a qualified solicitor . No win, no fee just means that if you lose there will be no fees. If you're ever in doubt, the various Law Society databases are ...

Trust Inheritance Limited: We don't just add anyone. Rather than simply only doing the one case types, specialists in Estate matters will often cover a much wider range of issues and provide a much wider range of services. class="infoquote "We pride ourselves on giving the best support service...

TSABI Ltd Solicitors: Again, something you might think everyone does, but they don't. This means that solicitors still choosing to work under Legal Aid typically get paid a lot less than for cases with regular private paying clients. Why is that important? Because we've mostly found that ...

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