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Not enough? Well not to worry. Here are some more of the helpful information articles our staff have drawn together and published on our main 1to1Legal website:

2 Harcourt Chambers: class="infoquote "We welcome instructions from professional clients in both public and private practice to undertake privately funded, direct access and legal aid work."< div> Thankfully, Two Harcourt Buildings try to make up for this with plenty of descriptions...

A City Law Firm: class="infoquote "We are proud to be different. This doesn't always happen when a firm has non-unique words in the brand name. The most obvious way to check up on those claims is through the public review boards https: search?q=a+city+law+firm&rlz=1C...

Beers Solicitors LLP: The only negative comment we saw was a complaint about a solicitor called 'Monty'. Unlike hairdressers or restaurants, law firms can end up with negative reviews from the side they beat in a case. Very positive with many of them quoting and praising the staff member involve...

Bellax Solicitors: class="infoquote "Specialist dispute resolution, accident claim and family law solicitors."< div> Again, no matter what case range a firm may offer you can often see them use the word 'specialist' to describe themselves. class="infoquote "dealt with my case ...

Branch Austin McCormick Solicitors: We wouldn't expect many common typos causing issues either but would recommend either bookmarking the website or searching for it just the same. It's always been said to never ask a lady her age, but I hope the female staff of Branch Austin McCormick will forgive us posting ...

Bridge McFarland Solicitors: If it was an award for best logo design, then that doesn't really help you as a potential client. One thing to remember though is that when a firm has multiple offices you often have to type in the company name and location to see any reviews. Take this example: class...

Brown & Co Solicitors: All that said, we'll give the firm one last pitch-y quote on this page: class="infoquote "We aim to provide practical solutions to real-life problems."< div>. This snippet from the Brown & Co website is far more confrontational about the bad alternatives available a...

Buchanan & Co Solicitors Ltd: class="infoquote "Our friendly and approachable team are here to help you deal with whatever legal issue you have"< div> Of course the first port of call for most consumers whenever checking out a company is the public comment boards https: sear...

Burton & Co Quality Solicitors: To start off we should try to clarify that 'QualitySolicitors' is not an actual law firm with 100 locations. To be on the safe side though, make sure to bookmark the current site in case you want to come back. Burton and Co LLP https: o...

Cheshire Estates and Legal Ltd: So whilst there are negative reviews about this firm too (and some with what sound like very valid complaints) - there are several comments that are just weird or look like they are about the wrong firm. I missed the PPI deadline but they still got me my money"< div> ...

Cook's Solicitors: Unlike other services such as hairdressers, restaurants, or car washes - conveyance providers always end up getting at least some negative reviews from the opposite side in the transaction . class="infoquote "Dianne Sumner has over twenty-five years' experience of he...

David Stinson & Co Solicitors: class="infoquote "We work on road accident claims and workplace accident claims among others on a no win no fee basis."< div> All law offices that handle injury compensation claims should provide free initial consultations. For David Stinsons and Co they are all...

Disrepair Claims UK: To sum up, working with a CMC is an aberration for us but we wouldn't do it unless we thought it would help people. class="infoquote " is a trading name Fairweather Claims Ltd ... So whilst we still are not keen on the whole CMC thing as a gen...

Frazer Coogans Solicitors: Sometimes even DURING the house purchase as if it will somehow hurry their solicitor up. For some reason, thousands of people have handed over their entire house deposit to fraudsters simply because they received an email telling them the bank payment details had changed. F...

Fultons Estate Agents: "excuse after excuse blaming my own solicitor" . A quote from one article says: class="infoquote "The deal will see Gildeas expand its total workforce by 13 to 77 and represents a landmark first acquisition for the firm, which has offices in Glasgow and Edinburgh, as ...

Goldsmith Bowers Solicitors Ltd: The answer isn't completely black and white, but certainly there is enough anecdotal evidence from our 20+ years in the industry to make the claim that people have found better results with specialist Motor Offence, Divorce, and Medical Negligence firms. Goldsmith Bowers S...

Guardian Law Ltd: To get the correct reviews to come up we needed to enter the full 'guardian law nottingham' but that is the case for many companies now if you're trying to find information reviews. Please also note that the firm's original HR site at has now mov...

Backhouse Solicitors Ltd: Backhouse Solicitors actually display several of their https: search?q=backhouse+solicitors+chelmsford&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB926GB926&sxsrf=ALiCzsYk7GtUEdqekOIQoC1PKBOFR1dv0A%3A1665608902269&ei=xixHY5iPEMiJgQbpwqvQDw&ved=0ahUKEwiYitHXzNv6AhXIRMAKHWnhCvoQ4dUDCA4...

Hill House Chambers Barristers: The main website is at which we link to above. If you weren't aware - we are now quite far from the 'old days' of a high street solicitor's office where you have to go for anything legally oriented to get done. Does that mean a much better ...

JPS Walker Solicitors: But that also means the quote about '30 years' on the firm's website most likely relates to how long the firm's name has been running. More and more people are becoming aware of just how much of a difference a specialist can make to a case. But if every firm is claiming su...

KRS Wills & Probate: Why people fall for that, we don't really know. In some cases these companies do as little as taking the will you've written yourself and simply keeping a record of it. The Direct Access scheme allows members of the public to hire barristers themselves rather than having to...

Lefevres Scotland Ltd: Sadly in Scotland the Law Society website covering legal professionals is not as good as their English Welsh counterpart. class="infoquote "Extensive experience on your side. (We're based in Peterhead so, if anything, we should be bias the other way on this.) Rath...

LS Legal Solicitors: So always make sure you're on the correct site and speaking to someone you know at the firm. class="infoquote "we cooperate with our trusted partners who can assist with accountancy, investment management, legal funding, franchise and other services"< div> . ...

Mac Jones Solicitors: Normally you have to dig through several 'Excellent! Would recommend!' quotes to get to something useful. We try our best to provide a range of options for people searching for help. Put that all together though, and it backs up the firm's claim on their website: clas...

Michael Leighton Jones Solicitors: For some reason, those clients go right ahead and send tens of thousands of pounds to the fraudsters without checking with the solicitor if that email was genuine. There is a firm call 'MLJ Legal Ltd' based in Hull, but at the moment searches including MLJ acronyms also brou...

Milners Law LLP: We did see a few negative ratings but the comments were not particularly helpful as to why such a rating had been left. Some staff have only a photo and direct contact details for each of them. There is further information about staff members http:

MJV Law Solicitors: The first is simple. For example, there is a big difference between a firm saying it has '50 years experience' versus '50 years of combined experience' or even '50 years experience within the firm'. On this occasion it seems that MJV have not used jargon to h...

Fentimans My Law Matters: Sometimes they end up pushing the original name into the background in favour of the new branding. That can be a huge help because for some reason, law firms are quite obsessed with quoting founding dates. the one word capitalised and heavily exclamated 'AVOID!!' hysterics...

One Law Solicitors & Barristers: There are several independent review boards online such as https: search?q=onelaw+chambers&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB926GB926&oq=OneLaw+Chambers&aqs=chrome.0.0i355i512j46i175i199i512j0i22i30j69i60l2.900j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#lrd=0x487605d7d69d853f:0x1ba40eec...

LRose Law Ltd: The only difference will be on whether they charge you for running the case or provide something such as a no win, no fee agreement. This is important because there are many websites on the internet designed to look like a law firm, but are actually a marketing firm or dat...

RM Solicitors: Reynolds Macdonald are registered with The Law Society of England & Wales which is great because they have the most useful and info-packed user side database we know of. there are plenty of other firms using those two initials. Currently neither or w...

Simper Law: class="infoquote "We are always happy to have an initial conversation to discuss your case and answer questions that you may have."< div> A quick note on navigation. class="infoquote "our practice has quickly gained a good reputation within the legal world"<...

Smith & Graham Solicitors: That's becomes even more important to remember due to the firm handling property matters which have been hit but huge amounts of fraud in recent years. class="infoquote "We are a multi-disciplined law practice providing high quality, cost effective legal servic...

Stowe Family Law Solicitors: Many firms will have testimonials on their website, but as they tend to be only the best possible comments - people want to find those disgruntled customers to see if there are any common themes. So you can't just go on Google, type the firm name, and see all reviews in th...

Summerfield Browne: However, since this firm handles business matters as well we gave them a little more weight as the company's own brand is stated behind their praise. We've always said to ignore average ratings and always read comments . Rather than several lawyers all working within the ...

Thaxted Legal Immigration: You never know what scammers will think of next.. But if you see a firm of 1 or 2 solicitors stating they handle every case type you can think of from Personal Injury to Family Law, Criminal Law and Immigration as well - chances are they are probably not able to keep themsel...

Swain and Co Solicitors: I approached them full of cynicism after years of let downs by other lawyers. But that happens constantly for law firms. That's just plain rude. There were quite a few negative complaints about the company on the Google review pages. So how do Swain & Co look on the pu...

Taylor Price Legal Ltd: We've seen them get one star ratings from people who are angry at a criminal defence firm refusing to take their divorce case. Legal professionals are treated very differently than services such as restaurants or hairdressers. For example, when most people are charged with a...

The Lady Barrister: As they do not work as a team that doesn't really help you as a client know much about how your case might potentially be handled. Usually we do not include company provided testimonials after the poll we took a few years ago indicated less than 8% of people trusted them. Ev...

The Legal Practice Solicitors: So whilst The Law Practice's claim of being established for over 50 years is far more honest and therefore believable than some other law firms - the whole thing is still not a great measure to help distinguish between a firm's suitability for your particular case. So whil...

Trojan Solicitors: These days there's a huge number of firms who have chosen to focus on a handful of sometimes completely unrelated case types such as bankruptcy and probate together. To us at least, that makes such firms where they have individual solicitors handling certain case types ...

Ullah Law Associates: The main concept that stood out to us was that the firm certainly lives up to it's claims about not shying away from more complex cases . Reading between the lines, it's probably safe to assume they have confidence in their expertise and experience to handle such tasks. ...

WH Law Ltd: Also whilst the branding and page content focuses on the name 'WH Solicitors' the Law Society listing and some review sites list them as 'WH Law'. It's one of those ones that make us use tired out sayings such as 'does what it says on the tin' . But typically the fra...

Woodstock Legal Services Ltd: The current official website is but does not currently redirect. It's not as if any firm is going to claim the opposite - i.e. In any industry there are obviously those firms that thrive on publicity and who li...

Young & Co Solicitors: As our poll last year indicated - only 8% of people seemed to take company provided testimonials into account when making up their minds about a firm. Sometimes it's as little as having received an official looking email that said the bank details for payment have changed. T...

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