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Not enough? Well not to worry. Here are some more of the helpful information articles our staff have drawn together and published on our main 1to1Legal website:

2 Harcourt Chambers: Two Harcourt Buildings may be a setup you're not familiar with because prior to recent changes in how the public can access legal help, you would have had to pay a solicitor just to get introduced to a barrister that can actually represent you in court. Coming back ...

A City Law Firm: Sometimes even for big brands we've had to type in the location of the head office to get the correct reviews to show up. We strive for innovation and have a proven track record of client satisfaction that stems from a personal approach ..."< div> The staff page of A C...

Backhouse Solicitors Ltd: A quick note on navigation though. It is also very common for firms who deal with property to have terrible reviews. We would have thought by now that all law firms would offer free consulations but it's still something many resist. You can get a 1-year newbie so...

Beers Solicitors LLP: class="infoquote "We take time to get to know our clients, their businesses and their individual needs."< div> The most common resource people use when judging the merits of any service provider is usually the customer reviews . class="infoquote "Whilst we...

Bellax Solicitors: If one firm says 'established in 1991', whilst another says '30 years experience as a solicitor', and another says '30 years experience within the firm' - those are three totally different claims even though they sound the same. class="infoquote "With our experience o...

Branch Austin McCormick Solicitors: There were a couple of negative ratings, but unfortunately the reviewers left absolutely no comments for us to know what generated their disappointment. That's just ... So how can you tell if a firm has specialist or jack-of-all solicitors? class="infoquote "Our tea...

Bridge McFarland Solicitors: So what about the independent boards such as https: search?q=bridge+mcfarland+llp+lincoln&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB926GB926&sxsrf=ALiCzsYpYdagcP_1nfbujMAQ2Q3Y7A1iYw%3A1663333683455&ei=M3UkY4a5G5T4gQbRzLTwCg&oq=bridge+mcfarland+llp&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAEYADIKCAAQRx...

Brown & Co Solicitors: Make sure you are on the correct website and never discuss bank details or payments by email. The first is whether a firm is actually experienced and the other about firms which cover a range of case types rather than a single specialty. However there are two very important...

Buchanan & Co Solicitors Ltd: Luckily there is a great resource online with The Law Society of England & Wales who provide a wealth of data on any law firm registered with them. Be careful though as some firms use sneaky marketing jargon to make you think they have far more experience than they ...

Burton & Co Quality Solicitors: There are 1-star ratings from people on the other side of a matter such as a property sale. Currently neither or get you there. Jordans Solicitors became QualitySolicitors Jordans. Whilst most of our articles are about individual fir...

Cheshire Estates and Legal Ltd: The official site we link to above is with redirecting you there too which is great and something we really think more firms should be doing . We've seen someone leave a negative review about a Criminal Law firm for refusing to ...

Cook's Solicitors: Of course, the first point of call for most people are the prior customer reviews when they are checking out any service provider. It can therefore be a good idea to bookmark the site or use a search function instead just in case. They are certainly meaningless, but ...

David Stinson & Co Solicitors: class="infoquote "We at David Stinson & Co strive to provide the best professional service to our clients, but aim to remain friendly and approachable at the same time."< div> The most common resource people use to research a service provider they are thinking of ...

Disrepair Claims UK: If you see that sort of post alongside no stated company name, no logo, no web address, and no mention of https: firms claims-management" their regulatory status< a> - then avoid them. But remember, the compensation in housing disrepair matters is an extra...

Frazer Coogans Solicitors: It's one of those marketing jargon phrases that sounds great but essentially could be said by any firm. We would imagine that having a mix of ages, genders, and experience levels is an enviable position for any company that deals with direct client services. So, does Frazer ...

Goldsmith Bowers Solicitors Ltd: So don't dismiss such offers lightly. Excellent recovery rates"< div> We would never generally recommend one firm over another as each client's individual circumstances and even location play a huge role in which firm might be best for them. Not every firm is up...

Guardian Law Ltd: Please also note that the firm's original HR site at has now moved to as a separate resources. That shouldn't cause too much confusion . Almost obsessed. https: office 471765 guardian-law-limited" F...

Hill House Chambers Barristers: At the moment of writing wasn't owned by anyone and other variants such as hillhousebarristers were also available. We ran a poll a few years back and the number of people that trusted company provided customer testimonials wasn't even in the double...

JPS Walker Solicitors: If you've been through several law firm websites already today trying to find one you think might be best for your issue , you'll probably have noticed that many of them use the same sort of language and imagery. which sounds great. The difference is that a solicitor ...

KRS Wills & Probate: One last quote from the firm's site that is a good point to remember: class="infoquote "Choosing who to appoint is an important decision and best made by yourself and not left to the Courts."< div> . "I" have a vast amount of experience. of the firm name) https:...

Lefevres Scotland Ltd: Scammers typically target law firm clients that are intending to send large sums of money such as a deposit in a house purchase. But if your case wins the solicitor you hire may take a cut of your settlement. The second means there are no costs to you at all throughout the e...

LS Legal Solicitors: We did notice much of the praise related to Immigration matters which seems to be a root specialty of the firm. These days you can find a solicitor specialising in anything from Criminal Law to Housing Disrepair. They even have https: @lslegalsolicitors6960...

Mac Jones Solicitors: So here are some of the things we noticed and why they stand out to us as a firm that has worked in the industry for over 20+ years. That means not just the regular high street solicitor but also barristers for direct access, accountants where a solicitor might not be need...

Michael Leighton Jones Solicitors: class="infoquote "great help in a recent case and kept me up to date with all developments" "Very accommodating and quick to respond" "easy to deal with when selling my mums house" "got it done quickly and in time not to pay stamp duty"< div> These...

Milners Law LLP: For example, it looked like one was by a law student who got turned down for a job. We did see a few negative ratings but the comments were not particularly helpful as to why such a rating had been left. Multiple offices, a wide case range, and various solicitors working on ...

MJV Law Solicitors: But if it's 10x staff members with an average of only 5 years' experience - we think that's quite a different story to what is being implied. We've also seen some sites refer to the firm as MJV & Co Solicitors. Negative ratings aren't always deserved. A few tips on ind...

Fentimans My Law Matters: We were recently asked whether it's common for law firms to create a new trading name because their existing name has a bad reputation. Because whilst many negative comments can be totally unhelpful (e.g. class="infoquote "Our head office was established in 1986"< di...

One Law Solicitors & Barristers: OneLaw Chambers https: office 616033 onelaw-limited" is registered with < a> The Law Society of England & Wales which is a fantastic resource and the best we've seen out of such organisations in the UK. The biggest difference being tha...

LRose Law Ltd: On that last one: class="infoquote "Specialising in: ... Another resource to help with this is one we frequently recommend in our articles - The Law Society of England & Wales' website. So whilst an individual solicitor saying they are a specialist in Family L...

RM Solicitors: So if a legal service provider has few or even zero reviews, don't take it as a negative sign . If a firm tries to charge you to discuss an injury claim case, then move on to the next one quickly. Depending on the type of case you may also be able to receive 100% of your co...

Simper Law: Personal Injury, Neighbour Disputes, Medical Negligence, etc.) just different types of cases that can be brought within that area of law. But it goes without saying that you can end up with a 1-year-qualified, completely inexperienced solicitor from a 200-year-old law firm j...

Smith & Graham Solicitors: We've seen law firms with 5 star reviews for their food and 1 star reviews for the bad haircut they got. Smith & Graham however seem to fit neither of these descriptions and look unscathed by the recent developments . This is important because depending on the brow...

Stowe Family Law Solicitors: class="infoquote "Within our 80-plus strong team of leading UK divorce lawyers, we have forensic accountants, a dedicated children’s department, an adoption team, surrogacy law specialists and an international family law department and we also have trained mediators...

Swain and Co Solicitors: I approached them full of cynicism after years of let downs by other lawyers. Also be aware that ampersands cannot be in web addresses so there will never be a www.swain& address. The official site we link to is but is...

Taylor Price Legal Ltd: But later on in the site they also state: class="infoquote "The management team spearheading Taylor Price Solicitors consists of legal professionals with over 45 years of combined legal experience"< div> Which is the main point to take away from this mini-rant abo...

Thaxted Legal Immigration: They were all very positive and helpfully provided examples of why each of them were happy with the service rather than just blank ratings. Sometimes, like many consumers, we just have to go with our gut. class="infoquote "We are specialist immigration firm b...

The Lady Barrister: So at the moment even something specific such as "stephanie heijdra barrister london" brings up no local information let alone public reviews. class="infoquote "conscientious, approachable and methodical in her approach" "She was quick to turn the case around in m...

Summerfield Browne: Plus, for the public boards things can get a little more complicated. The firm states offices in London, Birmingham, Cambridge, Oxford, Market Harborough, and Leicester. We've been hoping that for many years and it's getting there . Most firms will say they are modern with ...

The Legal Practice Solicitors: Just try looking up the star ratings of several other property firms in your area. But let's be honest. The majority were clearly positive and a huge number focused on praising clear communication from the staff. But 'the law practice' or 'the lawyer practice' (if y...

Trojan Solicitors: they won 'best company logo 1999'. class="infoquote "Newly established but full of experience law firm fully focused on its clients."< div> First, this statement about the firm being new (we're talking years, not weeks old) might go some way to explaining the firm...

Ullah Law Associates: That in itself is a positive sign not to be dismissed . a dedicated criminal defence practice specializing in high-profile, complex cases, often with an international dimension"< div> They then branched out into other areas of law as the firm grew. We specialise in a w...

WH Law Ltd: We cover locally, nationally and internationally."< div> The reason for this is that this firm focuses on one particular area. Especially for certain case types such as Divorce, Criminal Law, Motoring Offences, Conveyancing, and Immigration - the latter of which is wh...

Wildcat Law Solicitors: All this is hugely important due to the number of scams targeting law firm clients. class="infoquote "We offer a 'Third way' service. They have a very useful user side offering of data regarding a firm's contact details, staff, languages spoken, and areas of ...

Woodstock Legal Services Ltd: Make sure to actually read the comments though and not just flick through star ratings. Our poll a few years back resulted in only 8% of you saying you even read them. There was also only one similarly named firm of Woodstock Solicitors. Having worked in the legal industry...

Young & Co Solicitors: Each branding has it's own local office and website too. So because Young and Co deal with conveyancing, it is hugely important to make sure you are on the correct website and never discuss payments via email. Second, would be when the solicitors at the firm try to handle ...

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